What I Do
Thanks for making your way to this page. I know you are checking me out…“Who is this person, and why should I trust her?”
I would love to share three things I believe passionately about you.
You were designed to be resilient and deserve to thrive in your fabulous life!
Life is a cacophony of beauty, hurts, gifts, trauma, joy, grief, and love. Each experience we go through in life is preparing us for the next.
Everyone has their story filled with this cacophony of life, and I know you are here because you are looking for your story. Your desire as a conscious human being is to feel safe, be healthy, experience joy, and live your life to the fullest. And, sometimes, your experiences can seem to throw a roadblock onto your path.
You have a choice. Only you can choose to take action to build your resilience, release old stories, and thrive.
So, you have some roadblocks. Some may be small annoyances you can ignore most of the time…until you can’t. Others may seem like impassable hurdles. With each, you have a choice…do you sit down and accept that this is your story written in stone? Or do you begin to investigate and explore what you must do to overcome these roadblocks?
Life is our best teacher!
What you learn from those teachings is completely your choice. Our experiences create stories in our lives. You can choose to tell the story over and over from the same perspective that was initially experienced. Or, you can choose to process and examine the event, glean the gifts, heal the hurts, and use the event to grow.
I know that you have the ability to release non-productive behaviors and old experiences that no longer serve and build resilience and strong relationships to thrive in their lives.
Helping you find your way around those roadblocks is what I am here for – To share my knowledge, support you, and walk alongside you as you find your way around that roadblock. To help you rise stronger and thrive.
You might think, “Shannon, that sounds nice, but how do you do that?” Allow me to share three things about me that you might find valuable.

My passion, my job.
I was designed to be resilient and thrive in my fabulous life!
Like you, the cacophony of life has given me plenty of opportunities to learn and grow. It hasn’t always been easy, and I didn’t always notice the opportunity right away.
Even with those experiences, I did consciously choose to experience… often they led me on completely different paths than I had intended. Yet, in the amazing synchronicities of life, the path continues to wind and weave in its perfectly constructed route to where I am needed at this time.
As a young, single mom of two, I chose to join the California Highway Patrol Academy. I had no idea that after completing a successful and rewarding 25-year career, I would be led to step into the world of resilience, trauma resolution, relationships, and helping people who want to live their lives better.
In one of the crazy turns of life, I became a childbirth doula mid-law enforcement career after attending a very traumatic birth. This eventually led to my first experience with formal hypnosis when my daughter told me she wanted to use hypnosis for the birth of her first child. So, naturally, I decided to become certified to teach parents how to use hypnosis during childbirth. I have had the wonderful experience of witnessing the incredible use of hypnosis in birth many times, including the beautiful births of my four grandchildren.
It was then I began to realize how powerful our minds are and how we can use hypnosis to effect so many changes in our lives. I officially became a brain geek!
I began to make conscious choices to change circumstances in my life.
I choose to learn about the role my physical brain and body have on my resilience and how my mindset affects my perception of everything! I used my acquired knowledge to heal my past traumas and build my resilience.
After retiring from the CHP, I decided to pursue my certification as a hypnotherapist. And the journey continued.
You will see in a moment why walking my talk was so important.
Life has been my greatest teacher!
As a continual learner, always studying and training to increase my knowledge, skills, and abilities are very important to me.
The understanding and knowledge of neuroscience, trauma resolution, and resilience are constantly evolving. I am always searching for new information I can bring to my clients to support their wellness journey.
Some of my education has been formal through school, training, and certification courses. I’ve packed my toolbox with specialized training in neurotransformational coaching, trauma resolution, and relationship coaching, along with the modalities of MAP, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Clinical Hypnosis, Childbirth Hypnosis, HeartMath®, and a host of other related courses.
Perhaps more important than the training and certifications I have pursued are the experiences I have been blessed by living on this planet. You can imagine my experiences as a law enforcement professional over the 25 years I served with the California Highway Patrol.
I discovered my passion is working with people to create change in their lives, releasing non-productive behaviors and old experiences, and building resilience and strong relationships to thrive in their lives.
In 2017, my talk was put to the test in a way I could have never imagined when I survived a life-threatening dog mauling…only because the owner chose to sacrifice her dog’s life to save mine. Surviving in the yard had nothing to do with me.
Thriving in my life had everything to do with the choices I made. Because of the knowledge and skills I had as a resilience coach, I was able to heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stronger from this horrendous experience. As crazy as it may sound, the attack was a gift life gave me to grow and learn from. It allowed me to personally experience the most traumatizing event of my life, stand up, work through it, and rise up stronger without suffering from long-term post-traumatic stress. I know, without a doubt, if I had not had the knowledge, tools, and community I already had in place, my story would have turned out differently.
I believe everyone has the knowledge and abilities to discover their own answers, be in charge of their own healing, and create the life they desire. I would be honored to walk alongside and support you as you design the life you desire and deserve.
If it is important for you to have more of a Curriculum Vitae, you can check mine out here.
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To Speak to Me
530-336-5414 or Fax: 855-214-2564